International Competition

International Competition

The memorial of the truth is in the beauty of the man, its presence pra itself exactly. An applicable reality to the truth. In the love pra is the truth who loves for that it is hated. The truth with the beauty makes possible that each man loves, but the man trying the love and living the truth if perceives that the beautiful mixture its truth with one another thing, the good that is consequncia of its nature human being. The good that it searchs and the truth that if lives are realities that inside exist of the soul human being. This is permeada by the life, in the existence of a man. This it makes with that the truth is touched by the man. With effect, to move with the truth is to move with something distant? Not.

It is inside, in the human heart. She is to move with the human being, the existing one that she worries about its soul and she wants to live the beauty that exists coming of God. The truth is found. Paid advertising tadalafil for women campaigns can get very costly. Not only this, but viagra best prices to make learning even easier. Stent About half of men over 40 suffer occasionally suffer from viagra sale cheap impotence problems. Many studies have believed that some STDs can cause scaring in the tube, ectopic pregnancy and other reproductive problems. levitra without prescription But when somebody the search knows where to go. It goes exactly. Definitively, the central axle that exists in exciting of the truth of the man if finds in the one far from the one close that he is its to become related I obtain exactly. Yes.

To relate I exactly obtain is to relate with what it he is proper, its to exist. However, ' ' more perto' ' that it exists in the truth of the man is its soul in relation to the body. It is, therefore, a truth: the man inside brings of itself the existencial truth: that he exists. In this way, the duel of the truth is blunt when the man assumes its existencial truth emphasizing that the evil does not have objetividade when the man lives its interior truth. To *Joacir S. d? Abbey is deacon of the Diocese of Formosa-Go; it attended a course Philosophy and it is finishing theology in the SMAB; he is author of books: ' ' Opsculo of conhecer' ' (Cidadela), ' ' The charity and the problem of the poverty in periferia' ' (Agbook) and ' ' The Church of ressuscitado' ' (Virtual Books); it writes for periodicals: ' ' Al Vicentinos' ' (Formosa-GO) and ' ' Letter of notcias' ' (Ownership); it participated, per three years, of International Competition of Philosophy beyond keeping a Blog of Philosophical texts.

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