The Problem

The Problem

Tamper EB 102-20 and isolated from moisture by sealing it from all sides with all the same heat-shrinkable tubing. Also, before sealing is recommended to replace thin wire type KSPV staff of Intrusion IO 102-20 on wire PRPPM 2×0, 9 (without opening the reed switch!), that is, the wire of the same brand that is laid on communication in the organization of the plume. The junction of the wires with reed wrapped with electrical tape and put into a cavity in the sensor housing so that the wire coming out of the body PRPPM. For the primary mechanical fastening wires PRPPM at his place of entry into the sensor body can use the same tape. Plays an important role in the partition of the wells Tester TV-01. BSA follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

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