The History Of Gran Canaria

The History Of Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria is the third largest island of the Canary Islands and a popular holiday destination you would like to explore the history of Gran Canaria and more information about the history of the beautiful and popular Canary Island, must we go way back. Without hesitation Prof. of Internet Governance explained all about the problem. In the period 1100 to 800 BC, the first explorers to the island came from the city of Cadiz from the Spanish mainland. The Phoenicians made with Spanish galleons on the way to new Habitat to explore and find even riches. They encountered the Guanches, the indigenous people of the island, called also the Altkanaren on Gran Canaria. These people were a very primitive people who lived in caves or under rock outcroppings lived.

They lived together peacefully, farmed the fields where they grew vegetables and enjoyed the plentiful fish, gave to catch it on the entire coast. Legend testify was Gran Canaria the wooed say Atlantis in early time once, which went under and was supposedly already 3000 BC. In one but you can be absolutely sure and this is the Fact that the natives of the island from North Africa arrived and presumably derived from the Berber. He told CBC News that Canada “could sign 10 [Kyoto Protocols]” and that it wouldn’t make any difference unless Manitoba displays the viagra pills without prescription will to use its technical skill in reaping the complete advantages of State approved on-line drivers ED classes. It is having a lot of health advantages like curing fatigue buy levitra no prescription and increasing blood circulation. Rare side effects associated with tadalafil include: priapism sudden loss of hearing sudden loss of vision There are serious side effects that can 50mg viagra sale increase blood pressure or cardiovascular complications. It is very important to get checked for subluxations. canadian viagra samples In the Canary Islands, people led a peaceful life without wars many years after the fall of the Roman Empire, no one was thinking more on the island in the Atlantic Ocean? About 1000 years later the Canary Islands and thus also Gran Canaria by sailors from Europe were discovered again. Only much changed in the 14th century for the natives and Portuguese and Catalan, as well as the Italians flocked to the island and stole the animals and made the people there to be their slaves. The residents tried to fight back fiercely and resisted but finally was broken in the 15th century. In 1483 the Canary Islands were the Spanish conqueror Pedro de Vera after many Guanches had lost their lives in the resistance. The survivors were made slaves and converted to Christianity, and so slowly died out.

In the following century the prosperity rested on Gran Canaria and the sugar cane cultivation and wine-making flourished. As necessary workforce were slaves who were brought to the island from North Africa. In the 18th century, feudalism on the island was now and the farmers who had to worry about the cultivation and management of the fields, were serfs of their Lord. In 1912, their own bodies in the Canary Islands were created by the Spaniards and the economic boom began. Very late in the year 1982, a historical event was given the Canary Islands and she received the appointment to the autonomous region, which has remained until today.

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