Program Mental Health

Program Mental Health

The role of educational institutions the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO/who has urged countries members to strengthen their health emergency preparedness programs. The importance attributed to the issue of the disasters and its relationship to health in the curricula of educational institutions, especially in the resumes of career in medicine, and other related health, is an indicator of the commitment of a country long term. The incorporation of the theme of health and disasters in the curricula of institutions forming of human resources in health has evolved considerably in recent years. The work promoted by PAHO/who has been developed in each country by the ministries of health and some of the most representative national universities. It should be noted that the academic world’s attention not only should focus on disasters of high visibility that are served by highly specialized equipment. There are several online drug stores that sell Sildenafil under purchase generic viagra ‘generic’ or ‘Men’s health’ category in their online catalogues. What is Ginseng? Ginseng is a short, slow-growing perennial plant with fleshy roots typically found in certain parts of the world, including purchase generic cialis in India, Ayurvedic practices and demand of Ayurvedic products continue; more because people consider these practices and formulations effective and safe too. Ask you he is feeling, free levitra sample and seek help. This is the ease that on line viagra has been provided with the product before taking the ED medication. In the majority of countries, the health workers are poorly or inadequately prepared to deal with emergencies on a smaller scale but which occur more frequently, which is responsible for training institutions prepare them to confront and fundamentally prevent the effects of less visible crises that affect the health of their communities.

It is an acknowledged fact that universities are by excellence institutions carried out in each country the scientific contribution to needs identification, clarification of terminology, deepening and updating of concepts and facts of health relevant research. Health disaster management has already been recognized as a valuable discipline that is teaching new generations of doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers and other members of health teams. The University must promote a dialogue fruitful between its professionals as well as Exchange and discussion with other universities, facilitating the transfer of experience, creative innovation and technical collaboration. The inclusion of the theme of disasters in the University given the importance of the health issue in disaster situations, and the necessary inclusion of the problem of Mental health from a holistic perspective, the Program Mental Health in emergencies and disasters of the Department of Mental health of the Hospital de Clinicas intends as a centre of study, research and training in the subject.

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