

This research, objective to elucidate some concepts of parody, intertextualidade, dialogismo carnavalizao, as well as (reverse speed) knowing some of the parodies of ' ' Song of the Exlio' ' of Gonalves Days, and also of the painting of Leonardo Of the Vinci, ' ' Mona Lisa' '. to leave of some theoreticians as: Coast, Stam, Bakhthin, Fvero and Freire, will be possible to understand the concepts that will be studied, in the poetry and the painting. The first part of this work, will bring brief concepts for these analyses, as the ideas of the mentioned authors already above. That is why lots of company produces the drug free viagra and the user may not get full erection. There are lot of hypes these days on some so called nutritional supplements or health food but very few discount viagra http://raindogscine.com/tag/entrevistas/ that can meet your requirements. These are likely the drugs that the doctor may prescribe an effective dosage of the drug after assessing your health and condition. viagra on The time or duration this type of ED last can be some months. click over here now female viagra sildenafil Soon, in the second part, the analysis of the Song of the Exile, as well as, some of its parodies. To know more about this subject visit CBC, Australia. In the third part, &#039 will approach some conceptions of the painting; ' Mona Lisa' ' of Of the Vinci with some parodies as of Botero, Maurcio de Souza, Duchamp, and From there, thus showing some of the ideas that these paintings transmit in them.

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